Saturday, January 2, 2010

Global Diversity Through Distance Education

George Siemens (2008) suggest the growing popularity of distance education is situated within the effective differentiation of learning experiences from traditional learning environments through collaborative interaction, communications, and global diversity.

The internet has certainly made distance education a reality for a growing number of individuals through the use of the internet and its accompanying collaborative tools. Such tools as wikis, Skype, blogs, podcasts, are but a plethora of differentiated learning tools unique to the online environment in which they are purposed to enhance. The opportunity to collaborate across professional, social, and cultural dimensions in the comfort of one’s home, with a mere click of a mouse is an appealing option to anyone wishes to obtain not only an advance degree, but also a global experience.

Some would argue that the global experiences offered through distance education experiences are not global indeed and in fact only exists in America. I beg to differ on this viewpoint. As a current Walden doctoral student there have been collaborations with individuals currently living in Germany, Jamaica, Japan, and the American Samoa, it can be said firsthand that the learning human collaborations have been varied and unique. In addition, classmates that live here in the United States, with a variety ethnic and cultural background vastly different from mine: creating a perspective of awareness that was not present in the traditional learning environment. Global experiences have been the hallmark of my learning experiences at Walden; from the professors that have facilitated coursework to the students that I have had the opportunity to gain understandings and insights from colleagues in the professional as well as educational arena.

Distance Education is experiencing an explosion, and subsequently will become a mainstay of our educational environments for decades to come. Educators of within this format will no doubt continue its evolution as the tools by which this format is delivered evolve within themselves. More distance learners will have the opportunity to experience the deluge of up and coming collaborative tools software designers will undoubtedly offer. The tools by which classroom instruction will vary as well: current technologies are seeking the addition of smartphones to the list of widely used mobile devices for available for use in distance education.


Unknown said...

At the residency in Landsdowne, VA they had us sit according to geography with a few tables for international students. It was wonderful to see how many students from places such as South America and Europe who traveled just for that residency were in attendance. We are a global community.

Bethany Croton

Andy Reeves said...

I hope everything is going well. I am new at this blogging so please forgive upfront. I can not find your storyboard and need your assistance. Thanks